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How to encode multiple samples with one file?
How to encode multiple samples with one file?

You can create up to 10 samples at once by uploading a file that you would have encoded. Here is how to proceed:

Aubray Prévot avatar
Written by Aubray Prévot
Updated over a week ago
  1. In the sample list, click on add sample and select External files (CSV or XLSX)

  2. Download our XLSX or CSV template

  3. Open the XLSX file with Excel or the CSV file with LibreOffice

  4. Encode the file 

Good to know

  • One row by sample

  • No case sensitivity, you can use lowercase and uppercase.

  • Do not delete nor edit the headers of the columns.

  • If you have already created the patient case (readable ID), the run template (name) or the oncologist (email) on the OncoKDM platform, they will be reused without creating a new one. 

  • If a field is not required, you do not have to encode anything. 

Encoding help

  • run_template__name (*)

  • readable_id (*), same as the patient id

  • patient_sex (* only if related to a new patient) must be M or F.

  • patient_country* must be written in English or ISO code

  • patient__birthdate* be of the format « YYYY-MM-DD ».

  • oncologist_firstname

  • oncologist_lastname

  • oncologist_email (* only if related to a new patient)

  • cancer_name (*) must be chosen from the different cancer types of the oncotree standard. Please note that the cancer_primary_site_name and the cancer_name must have the same relationship that on the oncotree standard.

  • cancer_primary_site_name (*) must be chosen from the different cancer types of the oncotree standard. Please note that the cancer_primary_site_name and the cancer_name must have the same relationship that on the oncotree standard.

  • external_id (*), is the sample id

  •  files_names (*): VCF, BAM, or FastQ file name. If you have several files to integrate into the files_names column, you must separate them with a pipe (“|”). Example: sample1.fastq|sample2.fastq

  • METASTASES: yes; no; unknown

  • METASTASES_LOCATION: free text (mandatory if the previous answer is yes)

  • PREVIOUS_MEDICATION: yes; no; unknown

  • PREVIOUS_MEDICATION_DESCRIPTION: free text (mandatory if the previous answer is yes)

  • COMORBIDITIES: yes; no; unknown

  • COMORBIDITIES_WHICH: free text (mandatory if the previous answer is yes)

  • CONCOMITANT_MEDICATION: yes; no; unknown

  • MACRO_DISSECTION: yes; no; unknown

  • TUMOR_CELL_PERCENTAGE number (float number with 2 decimals, e.g. 46,7%)


  • SAMPLE_ORIGIN: free text

  • COLLECTION_DATE be of the format « YYYY-MM-DD ».

(*): Mandatory fields

Examples of encoded files

If you need any further information, please email us at:

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