OncoFOLLOW - list of targeted genes
OncoSELECT - list of targeted genes
Which panels can you analyze?
What kind of mutation can you detect?
Which algorithm do you use to detect variants?
How long does it take to analyze to analyze my data? What is your Turn Around Time?
How do you perform your QC analysis?
CNV analysis
Can you calculate TMB (Tumor Mutation Burden)?
What is an 'Alpha List'?
How do you analyze a sample sequenced with 2 different sequencers (e.g. illumina and Ion Torrent) for the same sample?
How to encode multiple samples with one file?
Do you confirm the variants found through any method (Sanger, MLPA, qPCR)?
Do you perform any orthogonal validation to determine if a variant is true?
Which version of the human genome reference do you use?
Will there be a version of OncoKDM based on hg38 or GRch38?
What is gene "uniformity"