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OncoDEEP V7 - list of 638 targeted genes and genes rearrangements (Fusions)
Google Cloud data processing and storage
What is OncoSHARE ?
How to activate my OncoSHARE account ?
How can I change my password ?
How to pay my analysis? (reimbursement for some UK patients)
What is OncoSTRAT&GO ?
How to pay my analysis? (for patients outside the UK)
What is OncoFOLLOW ?
What is OncoDEEP ?
How to prepare an OncoDEEP kit ?
What is OncoSELECT?
Is there any reimbursement program for these tests ?
How can I recover my password ?
How can I change my payment method ?
What's the Virtual Molecular Tumor Board ?
How to order an analysis ?
How to create a patient case?
How to get and complete the Patient Informed Consent Form (PICF) print and online version ?
How to share a report?
HRD reporting results
What is OncoKDM?
Which sequencing instrument can we analyze?
What kinds of analysis can you do?
Can I send my tissue block for analysis on the OncoKDM?
Which cancer type can you analyze?
How much does it cost to analyze my data?
How long does it take to analyze to analyze my data? What is your Turn Around Time?
Could you provide a sample BAM file?
What certifications are you compliant with?
How long do you keep the data? Where is it stored?
OncoFOLLOW - list of targeted genes
OncoSELECT - list of targeted genes
Which panels can you analyze?
What kind of mutation can you detect?
Which algorithm do you use to detect variants?
How long does it take to analyze to analyze my data? What is your Turn Around Time?
How do you perform your QC analysis?
CNV analysis
Can you calculate TMB (Tumor Mutation Burden)?
What is an 'Alpha List'?
How do you analyze a sample sequenced with 2 different sequencers (e.g. illumina and Ion Torrent) for the same sample?
How to encode multiple samples with one file?
Do you confirm the variants found through any method (Sanger, MLPA, qPCR)?
Do you perform any orthogonal validation to determine if a variant is true?
Which version of the human genome reference do you use?
Will there be a version of OncoKDM based on hg38 or GRch38?
What is gene "uniformity"
ACMG-AMP Guidelines as standard for molecular profiling data interpretation on OncoDNA platforms
How long do you keep the raw data?
Can I edit the analysis report?
Can I share the analysis report?
Can I share a report before the report has been validated?
Can I edit the analysis report after it has been validated?
What information does the other person see when the report is shared?
How does OncoKDM classify variants and/or alterations?
What is the immunogram?
Can I generate a PDF report?
Can I extract my data from the platform?
Is there a difference between reports provided by OncoKDM with our data and those provided with ONCODEEP ?